Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stop Crying!

What separates Arsenal Fans from the rest is that we are Arsenal Fans, we are not just Glory Hunters. We back our team no matter what, a trophy-less year, six or a decade.
We scream our hearts out to show support to our players when they were bombarded with, I HATE TO say it, Eight Fuckin' Goals.
Find a Chelsea fan who will back Chelsea for an entire week after a 3-1 loss to us.
I know plenty of ManU supporters who said now we support Real Madrid, for that Gay guy.
In that matter I respect Liverpool they back their team. And yes we do too.

This month has probably been the worst for any Arsenal fan, yes I agree, 4 points from 5 games that's not Arsenal, conceding 16 goals well that is also not Arsenal as well.

Luckily, I haven't been watching Football much of late. Avoided ManU game, and also Blackburn. But that doesn't keep me from writing. This is the time as a true Gooner I need to back my team.

Its hard defend two major losses while being criticized to the extent we are being criticized.
There is nothing I can say which defends conceding 4 goals against Blackburn and 2 of which coming from two of our regular starters. So to make it simple I wont defend it.

I shall just move on to what I am expecting the rest of the season.

Two new defenders that makes it roughly a permutation of 24 defensive partnerships considering the defenders pair up with at-least one mid-fielder to support the back line.
So that makes it a complex Chemistry and understanding which needs time.
Also, we have 3 players starting who have hardly trained with the rest of the team for as many hours. Time is not on our side, but, I say I can allow one Carling Cup game and one Premier League Loss (roughly, next two games).

If you have been following Arsenal for last 3-4 seasons (damn these 8-2 and 4-3 jokes), you should be aware that Arsenal slip up in roughly last 6 games. So why not it be the first 6 games? Of which, ManU and Liverpool were tough fixtures anyway and a loss is always a loss of 3 points. No matter to what extent humiliating it is.
Its just a rough patch which needs small tactile changes, we need a defensive coach, our attack is still the best in premier league.
As Captain says, we need back to back victories and a couple of cleansheets.

I see a come back the one which we will be proud and talk about.

Go Gunners.